Educational Reference Page
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Top 10 List A list of 10 achievable actions states can implement to accelerate statewide high school education reforms.
Source: 2005 National Education Summit
An interview with Dr. Richard Nisbett Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane | April 20, 2009 In his new book, "Intelligence and How to Get It," social psychologist RICHARD NISBETT argues that environmental factors, specifically formal education, can improve measurable intelligence. His work goes against the theory much of intelligence can be attributed to genetics ... How (Not) to Nurture Children Forum with Michael Krasny Sep 4, 2009 -- 10:00 AM We welcome Po Bronson for an in-studio conversation on his latest book, "NurtureShock," which upends many commonly held beliefs about how best to nurture our children. Bronson is co-author with Ashley Merryman of "NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children." Talk of the Nation, April 14, 2009
It appears that my worst
fears have been realized: we have made progress in everything yet nothing
has changed. Education is a social process
... Education is growth.... Education is, not a preparation for life;
education is life itself. "Parents have
become so convinced educators know what is best for children that they
forget that they themselves are really the experts." "We
must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths
of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories
of our journey." What black parents must do now ...By
CLARENCE PAGE Economic Mobility in Black and WhiteTalk of the Nation on NPR January 31, 2008 · All parents hope that their children will climb to the next rung of the economic ladder — but success may depend in part on the color of their skin. Studies show that while many white children fare better than their parents, black children are increasingly worse off than the previous generation. Guests: John Morton, managing director of economic policy at the
Pew Charitable Trust and Ellis Cose, contributing editor and columnist
for Newsweek; author of The Rage of a Privileged Class. ... Redefining
What It Means to Be Black in America The poll finds that a growing number of black Americans think
it's no longer appropriate to think of black people as a single
race. Many also say that weak families — not racism — is
what's keeping poor blacks down today. NPR's Juan Williams, who
was written frequently on race, reflects on the findings... In the Affluent Suburbs, an Invisible Race Gap by MICHAEL WINERIP ACROSS America, there may be two or three dozen suburban school
districts similar to this one, towns like Evanston, Ill.; Shaker
Heights, Ohio; Arlington, Va.; White Plains. They are heavily upper
middle class, are racially mixed and feature high quality public
schools. ...
From Last to Leader: How Building Partnerships Between Education Researchers and Educators Helped Chicago Schools
Ohio | Eye on Education
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